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Waterpik VS Flossing studies

The Waterpik vs flossing debate seems to be never-ending until we logically reach a conclusion.
This is what we will be trying here to help people with a meaningful comparison, backed with evidence and facts. In short, both are good at their own places with their own specific benefits, but there are a few things that make them unique in their own specific category.

The specifics you find in a Waterpik:

Waterpik is a sophisticated dental tool that works on removing plaque by employing water pressure, rather than relying on the scrapping technique for doing the job.

We have discussed WaterPik perks a lot of time in our other blogs here at, and we are going to give a brief outlook of them again so that to compare it with traditional flossing practices and which one is better.

Such a tool is ideally designed to be gentle on the gums and gives a gum massaging experience while removing the food particles from the teeth. It is very convenient to use and it works exceptionally well for people having braces, dental implants, bridges or any other sort of dental treatment been done.

The nitty gritty of dental flossing:

Dental floss as a tool is simple, but considerably harder to use, especially if you are a newbie with the technique. Dental floss is actually a very thin piece of string that one uses to pass in between the teeth gap for removing plaque. The string scrapes out plaque and food particles off the teeth and works till the gum level. It requires some level of expertise in using and might not be effective and sometimes painful if you have gum bleeding and other such issues.

The basic differences and preferences between Waterpik flosser and string floss for flossing:

It has been seen that to some extent both the techniques perform the same job of removing plaque or food particles stuck in between the teeth. However, their applicability differs at some level. Dental floss is normally used for the job and it may work deep inside the teeth and down up till the gums to give you a good level of cleaning. However, it might not be useful with bleeding gums or if you have certain dental implants, braces or bridges applied to your teeth.

This is specifically where the Waterpik flosser comes into play and becomes the only option to ensure deep cleaning is done without damaging your dental implants etc. or causing any bleeding of the gums. The Waterpik is definitely a much expensive solution as compared to dental floss, but when it comes to the health of oral hygiene, quality and preference should not be compromised.

A research study to find out the better solution between dental floss and a Waterpik tool:
Many research has been carried out for this comparison and to find a better suit. We will be considering here authentic research that included a good and reliable sample size to conclude results.

According to this research study, a sample of 70 adults participated in the one-time activity to determine the better solution between the dental flossing technique and using a Waterpik flosser tool. Two groups were formed where the first one had to use Waterpik flosser along with a manual toothbrush as well.

The other group had waxed string floss along with a manual toothbrush. Participant from each group stated with manual brushing first for a couple of minutes, while employing the bass technique. The water flosser group used 500ml of warm water to be added in the reservoir and the string floss group used the given string floss between teeth, while both following the instructions given of cleaning the distal and mesial surfaces.

Scores were then recorded for the results while taking into consideration the entire mouth and also the facial, marginal, lingual and approximal regions for each member.

The results obtained were quite clear that which one is the better solution. The Waterpik users were found with 74.4 percent reduction of plaque in their mouth and 81.6 percent for the approximal type plaque.

This percentage in comparison to string floss group was 57.7 percent and 63.4 percent respectively. The overall results show that Waterpik flosser is 29 percent more efficient than the string floss technique.

Moreover, the results were in favor of Waterpik flosser also at the facial, marginal, lingual and approximal region levels as well.

Our Conclusion:

With the above research results and our own research in the subject matter, it can be very safely stated that Waterpik is a better solution as compared to the manual dental floss solution. However, one critical thing to be noted here is that neither the Waterpik nor the string floss is a substitute of any sort for a toothbrush.

Rather, Waterpik tool and the dental string floss are supplementary items to be used for excessive dental cleaning or for removal of plaque, once you have ensured proper teeth brushing been done.
Conclusively, Waterpik flosser is effective than manual dental floss, but none of the techniques by no means can be considered a replacement of the other, and especially for the tooth brushing.


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