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Showing posts with the label water flossing vs traditional flossing

Water flossing vs Traditional flossing

Wondering what you need to know about water flossing vs traditional flossing? Can water flossing innovative equipment replace the conventional flossing techniques? This is a debatable topic where multiple opinions may come from different users of these two different techniques. People with certain types of gums and teeth diseases have one opinion, while some with dental implants have their own story. On top of that, the dentist opinion is also vital which could also differ, based on the situation. However, we will strive to reach a conclusion based upon merit here, so that you could make your best decision. What dentists have to say about Water flossing VS Traditional Flossing? The water flossers that have the American Dental Association quality seal is the top recommendation by the dentists, not only in the USA, but worldwide. Such ADA compliant water flossers are tried and tested for being highly effective in removing teeth plaque, which may otherwise lead to gingivitis, whic...