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All you need to know about dog's teeth and gums- Get tartar off dogs teeth

Introduction: Are dogs moth clean or not? It is a repeated question which most of the dog owners enquire on different discussion podiums. The cleanliness of the dog’s mouth is comparable to human’s mouth in one way or the other. The major similarity between the two is that both of them are known have their mouths full of microbes. The different types of bacteria differ between species and require customized treatment. As per a research, dogs may have 600 different bacteria types which cause cleanliness issues and should be treated to enjoy best dental health. Loose or bad gums, gingivitis disease, dehydrated gums, teeth bleeding, teeth/ gum infection and the blackness around the teeth are some of the common issues reported against the oral hygiene of the dogs. There are various tips, tricks, treatment and home remedies which the dog owners must look into for upping their oral hygiene and overall cleanliness. This is the main agenda of this write-up and we will try to cover this in...